How AI Is Helping Radiologists Identify iPE

A new study from the American Journal of Roentgenology reveals how Aidoc’s incidental pulmonary embolism (iPE) solution helped radiologists significantly improve their detection rate (sensitivity) without impacting accuracy.

As “The Imaging Wire” stated in reporting on this data: “While studies showing AI’s value to radiologists are commonplace, many of them are performed under controlled conditions that don’t translate to the real world. The current study is significant because it shows that with AI, radiologists can achieve near-perfect detection of a potentially life-threatening condition without a negative impact on workflow.”1

This summary highlights selected results and links to the full article.

1 The Imaging Wire. (2024, June 21). AI detects Incidental PE | Open-Source PACS AI – the Imaging Wire. https://theimagingwire.com/newsletter/ai-detects-incidental-pe/