Deepak Srikant

3 Things I Learned At The 10th Annual PERT Symposium

Attending the 10th Annual PERT Symposium in Boston was an incredible opportunity for us to immerse in the latest developments of pulmonary embolism (PE) treatment. The event showcased not only advancements in technology and techniques but also the growing collaboration across specialties that is vital for improving patient outcomes. Here are three key takeaways that stood out.

1. Time is Heart: The Urgency of Treatment

“Time is heart” succinctly captures the urgency of prompt diagnosis and intervention in PE cases. When a blood clot travels to the lungs, the heart, particularly the right ventricle, is under immediate, immense strain. 

Early detection and rapid treatment are crucial, as untreated PE can lead to dire consequences, including damage to the structure and function of the heart or even death. This understanding is mirrored in the practices of our customers, who emphasize the importance of minimizing time to treatment. 

So, while the original “Time is Brain,” in reference to the urgency of stroke treatment, is the inspiration for this new PE-idiom, the takeaway remains the same, and it is clinically validated. Studies show that faster interventions significantly reduce the strain on the heart, leading to improved recovery and shorter ICU stays, especially for high-risk PE patients.

2. The Evolution of Devices and Techniques

The landscape of PE treatment is evolving. A decade ago, catheter-directed thrombolysis was the standard. Now, we see a multitude of new devices and techniques emerging, thanks to innovation from startups and established companies alike. The symposium highlighted these advancements with a focus on the growing variety of options for clot removal.

What struck me was the introduction of new trials that go beyond the well-known mechanical thrombectomy devices. This diversification of treatment options reflects a broader understanding of PE management, allowing for more tailored approaches based on individual patient needs. As these innovations continue to develop, they will undoubtedly improve patient outcomes and expand the toolkit available to healthcare professionals. 

However, with the initial success of the first movers in PE treatment, competition in the space is heating up. Startups and medtech giants alike are racing to develop devices that offer even more efficient, safe and cost-effective solutions. 

The early victories of the pioneering companies have set the stage for rapid growth in the sector, attracting new entrants eager to carve out their niche. As these companies push the boundaries of technology, healthcare providers are being presented with a rich array of options, each aiming to outperform the others in terms of efficacy, safety and ease of integration and use. This intensifying competition is fueling not only innovation, but increasing scrutiny on clinical outcomes, ensuring that patients receive the best possible care.

3. An Expanding Multidisciplinary Approach

At the inaugural PERT Symposium, the audience primarily consisted of interventional radiologists, critical care specialists and pulmonologists. Fast forward to this year, and the diversity of specialties represented has significantly increased. It’s heartening (pun intended) to see the evolution of PERT teams now including vascular medicine, emergency medicine, hematology and pharmacy, among others.

The interdisciplinary collaboration is essential for addressing the complexities of venous thromboembolism (VTE) as a whole, not just isolated PE cases. The focus on bringing deep vein thrombosis (DVT) to the forefront–preventing clots from traveling to the lungs and causing PEs–is a perfect example of this holistic approach. Furthermore, the new Center of Excellence certification from the PERT Consortium, with centers like Yale New Haven Health and HCA Methodist adopting Aidoc’s PERT solutions, showcases the commitment to breaking down silos and enhancing communication across specialties through cutting edge tools.

Shaping the Future of PE Treatment

The 10th Annual PERT Symposium was a powerful reminder of the evolving landscape of PE treatment and the collective effort required to enhance patient outcomes. By adopting the mindset that “Time is heart,” embracing the latest innovations in treatment devices and fostering multidisciplinary collaboration, we are poised to make significant advancements in PE management. 

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Deepak Srikant