Debi Taylor, MSN, RN, SCRN

3 Lessons From Successful Stroke CareCo Implementations

In the fast-paced world of stroke care, the successful implementation of AI can make a profound difference in patient outcomes. Aidoc’s Stroke Care Coordination (CareCo) App has demonstrated remarkable success in several partner facilities, revolutionizing stroke care delivery. By closely examining these successful implementations, three key characteristics emerge as critical to their success: highly engaged project champions, the establishment of clear success metrics and thorough live training for clinical teams. These elements have proven essential in transforming stroke care workflows, improving treatment times, and ultimately enhancing patient outcomes.

Aidoc’s most successful Stroke CareCo App implementations have three things in common:

  1. They had highly engaged project champions
    a. Project champion(s) were mission-driven and understood the value of new technology – These are project champions who are passionate about their care team and patients. They understand the value of bringing new technology to drive workflow efficiencies for their team while reducing patient treatment times resulting in better patient outcomes.
    b. They lead change management from within – Highly engaged project champion(s) garnish buy-in from within the organization and begin the change management at the onset of the project.  They lead the project to success by bringing key stakeholders to the table to collaborate on how the technology will best be implemented within their stroke workflow. They know their team and understand what it will take to be successful and then work to navigate potential barriers and opposition to change – proactively.
  2. They established metrics to measure the success of implementing the new technology
    a. Stroke teams identified metrics to measure success – The clinical team identified what success with the Stroke CareCo App would look like.  From high user engagement to improving patient treatment times – they establish what successful implementation looks like for their stroke program.  They use existing data sources that are directly impacted by the Stroke CareCo App and partner with Aidoc to measure success after going live to ensure the ongoing success of the project.
  3. They organized live training and ensured high attendance from their clinical teams
    a. Stroke CareCo App users attended live training – Attending live training ensures new users understand:
    1) Their role in using the new technology
    2) How their stroke team will use the CareCo App to create workflow efficiencies and improve patient treatment times, and
    3) The features and functionality that will ensure a positive experience.

    Live training sessions ensure the user can log in and navigate the new technology in an environment where questions can be asked and answered – live!

Learn more about AI implementation options with our whitepaper “Unlock Your Health System’s Potential: A Comparison of Clinical AI Integration Options.”

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Debi Taylor, MSN, RN, SCRN