clinical study

AI prescreening of radiology CT worklists can improve radiologist read-time efficiency in clinical practice

Materials & Methods

Radiological “read-times” were compared before and after institutional implementation of an AI-screening system for detecting intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) on CT brain scans. “Read-time” was defined as the time from when a radiological study was opened for viewing until either a finalized report or a wet read (whichever came first) was placed in the electronic medical record (EMR). Cases were collected from non-contrast CT brain cases ordered from the emergency department (ED) during equivalent seven-week pre-implementation and post-implementation time periods.


Radiologist average “read-times” were reduced after AI-augmented system implementation (by 9% when including combined ICH positive and negative case; by 27% when considering just positive cases). 


AI-assisted ICH detection can decrease average radiological read-time on CT-brain cases ordered from the ED, possibly through a psychological “urgency effect” or “validation effect” prompted by the AI-prescreen result.

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