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10 Benefits of AI in Healthcare

Artificial intelligence (AI) is stealing headlines and rapidly transforming various industries, and healthcare is no exception. With its ability to process vast amounts of imaging data and to perform complex tasks, AI is reshaping the healthcare landscape in numerous ways. In this blog post, we delve into the benefits of AI in healthcare, exploring how AI technology is revolutionizing patient care, improving health system efficiency and driving better patient outcomes.

1. Helping Improve Patient Outcomes

One of the primary benefits of AI in healthcare is its capacity to help improve patient outcomes. Whether it’s associated with decreasing length of stay for intracranial hemorrhage and pulmonary embolism patients or, as the infographic below suggests, decreases time to admission, there’s a great advantage to AI in healthcare from the patient perspective. The infographic below illustrates a hypothetical patient workflow in a hospital using AI versus one without AI.

Infographic highlighting the role of artificial intelligence in healthcare, as it reduces a patient’s time to admission by 183 minutes

2. Improve Care Team Coordination

An added advantage to healthcare AI is its ability to capitalize on team-based workflows. Take the pulmonary embolism response team (PERT) at Yale New Haven Health, for example. By using Aidoc, a retrospective study found that the ability of AI to keep all pertinent information in one place streamlined communication between PERT members, including the transfer of images and clinical information.This culminated in:

  • Faster and better patient treatment (e.g. administration of advanced therapies)
  • Comprehensive notifications at Yale’s PERT center at time of diagnosis
  • Increased collaboration between hub and spoke facilities

Listen to the full webinar here.

3. Reduce Staff Burnout

A notable healthcare pain point addressed by AI in healthcare is helping to reduce staff burnout. Month after month, staff burnout is cited as one of the top health system concerns as patient volumes grow and workforces shrink. In the spirit of doing more with less, one application of AI in healthcare is resource allocation. In other words, AI can appropriately triage resources to address emergent conditions at every patient touchpoint. If you only have one stone to throw, you better aim well. Click here to read out eBook Maximizing Patient Care with Limited Resources.

AI is used in healthcare to help health systems support the coveted quadruple aim framework, as illustrated in this infographic

4. Achieve Quadruple Aim of Healthcare

The ability of AI to optimize health system performance in accordance with the quadruple aim is paramount. The quadruple aim of healthcare consists of:: 

  1. Enhancing the patient experience
  2. Improving population health
  3. Reducing costs, and 
  4. Improving work life for care teams

Proper application of AI in healthcare helps health systems meet these goals through various means, such as personalizing patient care and automated follow-up management, turning data tsunamis into actionable information, improving workflows and patient triaging to reduce costs and increase efficiency and more. 

5. Improved Patient Retention

While there may not be a direct cause-and-effect relationship between increased disease awareness- including incidental findings – and more hospital revenue, fewer missed patients in the ED and outpatient facilities means more patient admissions with DRG payment potential. At Aidoc partner facilities, our AI solutions have helped increase admissions, activate clinically relevant advanced interventions and retain patients with long-term surveillance and risk of interventions across multiple pathologies, including:

  • Intracranial Hemorrhage: 12% increase at Unfallkrankenhaus Berlin (UKB)
  • Pulmonary Embolism: 16% increase at Envision Healthcare
  • C-Spine Fracture: 5% increase at Lahey Medical Center

6. Turn Data Into Actionable Information

Clinical AI enables hospitals to work smarter, not harder, with the resources available. By consolidating data from disparate places and turning this tsunami into actionable insights, care teams are able to utilize AI in healthcare to make better treatment decisions.

7. Decrease in Length of Stay

AI in healthcare is crucial right now. Health systems that continue to rely on human-only decisions are falling behind. The AHA reported that delayed discharges led to a 19% increase in patient length of stay, and that’s with patient reductions in both the emergency department and the operating room. On the contrary, a Cedars-Sinai study found, after implementing an AI triaging software, that there was an 11.9% and 26.3% length of stay reduction for intracranial hemorrhage and pulmonary embolism patients, respectively.

8. Personalize Patient Care

A major pro of AI in healthcare is its ability to facilitate personalized patient care. For AI to empower facilities to better personalize treatment paths, you must adopt an image- and report-based AI platform. By using natural language processing (NLP) combined with image-based AI algorithms, patients are more quickly routed to the relevant care teams for prompt decision-making through mobile and desktop applications.

9. A Profit Center for Health Systems

A common myth regarding clinical AI is that its financial benefits cannot be proven because there is no payor reimbursement. That is an oversimplified perspective. While there is currently no direct reimbursement for AI-assisted care, many business-critical technologies do not have a direct reimbursement mechanism yet hospitals are reimbursed from services that rely on these technologies. The value of AI is its intrinsic ROI. With enhanced disease awareness capabilities, improved care coordination and patient management tools, AI-assisted physicians and health systems can find new revenue streams through clinically-appropriate interventions, including incidental findings and patient retention.

Click here to learn more about the ROI of AI through our in-depth eBook.

10. Maximizing Patient Lifetime Value

Each patient touchpoint presents an opportunity for health systems to generate revenue – lost or found. Patient retention strategies are now as important, if not more so, than patient acquisition efforts. Whether in value-based or fee-for-service models, health systems using a connected system of intelligence can benefit from predictive and personalized treatment plans, enhancing disease awareness and resource efficiencies that support patient retention and pull through. 

Enterprise-wide AI can help:

  • Increase clinical efficiency to reduce costs and waste
  • Uncover misdiagnosis or incidental findings leading to timely interventions
  • Manage patient surveillance and follow-up to support retention.

Explore the Latest AI Insights, Trends and Research

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